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A member registered Apr 19, 2023

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sad cause i like story over "gameplay" but ill check out lil

yo bro sorry but two questions

1. is lil Lessons in Love?

2. was "goddesses' whim" any good?

idk you just seem like you have the answers

dont look up "sounding". biggest mistake of my life.

man this reminds me when Alex Mahan- sorry i mean Evaxephon- sorry i mean Yandere Dev made a post about wanting to run an "anime girl breeding farm" where he wanted to "grow old and die from a stampede". paraphrasing, but u get the message.

TIL i learned that post was called "GWiz" no fucking way. 

"Hey babe, can we GWiz tonight?"

average body type is peak

i have never seen so many opportunities for a rape joke, and this game passed on zero of them. please stay this funny omfg i was dying the entire game. also props for having likable characters that are actually funny. the minigame with Ruri at the end was really easy and i had to try to fail. 

i kept having to stifle my laughter because i was laughing so hard i legitimately started hyperventilating. it was so fucking peak. the bad ending with mia made me grab my nuts in pain because i dont wanna imagine a catheter.

I hadn't finished the game at this point, and I had been playing for 8+ hours straight and I just finished the Mia Talk at this point. I finished all the open world missions and am on the last one. Bro really told Emily "MAKE UP YOUR MIND WOMAN. IF YOU DON'T I WILL BREAK UP WITH YOU" sigma ohio gyatt rizzler fr fr ong no cap straight bussin peak fiction moment. 

I also haven't closed the game once. I left the game on for like... what? 15 hours now? also i figured out putting your phone under your pillow on max volume feels like wearing headphones if youre laying down. i play on laptop and that was peak.


nah capitalism is better. id rather live in a capitalist dystopia than a communist dystopia.

probably late but let the timer run out on the last question and you get to the next part.

I really like how MC changes over the course of the game. He starts out as insecure and slightly autistic (or maybe it's because he's an incel), and I even considered dropping the game because I thought he was a bit bland, but he really matures and mans the fuck up. His charisma isn't that good, you can't fix that, but he literally states with the big talk with Mia after the lambo incident that he's become a lot more mentally durable, and this is shown as he is called short! The most vile and despicable insult ever! And yet he smiles! He also just actually figures out how to talk to women, and you can see that he isn't nearly as horny by the end as he is in the start, and he's like actually interested in romance.

pov: isekai but the mc is likable


*dies from peak*

based af imo

What day u on?

I'm happy for you and your team! How much will it cost? I think you could make it cost at least $15, but I'm poor, so make it $5.

Put that man in a tux with sunglasses and ill be jacking off to something else tonight

"Excuse me, but can it be published in Chinese?"




Hello sir, I just translated your comment, and I would like to let you know the creator has left a little note about that topic 

"'Are you going to add translations?' Maybe after the game is done, but we have no interest in it at the moment." Sorry if this is a bad translation, I speak English and am currently using google translate. 

In short, they're thinking about it. 

same bro same

im genuinely afraid im autistic cause im more of an autist than my brother and hes diagnosed lol


The quest is still in development



It's very good, the English is kind of weird but understandable

lmao what?

Did he cook? Yes. Should he have? Nah. Never let bro cook again.

(1 edit)

"How to complete the Holy Hunt quest??!! I don't understand at what time I go to Forest nothing happens, please tell me" Translated. It appears that it's still in development.

i believe you



props for honesty

Technically, you are wrong. Rape is sexual abuse (some penetration, vaginal, anal, or oral), molestation/groping is sexual assault. Get it right before you come at me. 

Stay safe buddy

idk bro seems like a skill issue

sure go for it. rewrite her. just forgot about that because thats not who we were originally talking about

Thanks, bro. 

Also, while I have you here, how old is she?

Unpopular opinion: Agnes fucking sucks. Like come at me, she groped you in your sleep, stop supporting her. Honestly, I hope they rewrite that part. Sure, you can have her character, but please rewrite her. 

nah but we can watch lilith fight a fish.